About the company

Elroweteh company for process and maintenance was established in 1416AH , 1996 AD, as a branch for Al Alroata Contracting company,

It specializes in the field of operation and maintenance of the projects carried out by the contracting company, or any other existing projects in this area. more..

history achievements

The company introduced a proven track record of specialized expertise in the implementation of large-scale projects all over the Kingdom.


Future prospects

The company occupies the second place in the maintenance and operation of water works and sewage agency (classification of contractors) in the Ministry of Public Works and Housing,

The company always seeks to keep pace with the developments and achievements in modern scientific technology and information technology, and by updating its engineering and apparatus and its various divisions in the planning, organization and management, in order to reach the highest level of quality and efficient performance

The Ministry of Water and Electricity, operation and maintenance

Operation and maintenance for water project in Neighboring of east of Mecca
Operation and maintenance for transfer the water project from Wadi Arada to ELbaha
Operation and maintenance for transfer the water project from Wadi Arada to ELbaha more..





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